Tech News: Crucial Safety Technology Changing the Digital Interface

As fantastic and explorative as technology has become, one of the most interesting facets of technology is actually the safety features that have come out. As you know, moving around the Internet can be an exciting space but also a space in which you need to be cautious. With the upgrades that tech has given to many online platforms, digital safety is one area that has to grow along with all the upgrades. 

This article aims to shed light on some of the most crucial safety technologies out there and how these pieces of software help online users worldwide. 

Password Protection Sites

An angle that is often overlooked when it comes to digital safety is keeping your password safe. Password safety is not something new and not something that people don’t already know about. Ever since the Internet started, sites have been working hard to communicate the need for password safety, however, unfortunately, many users often disregard this and then find themselves in a hacking situation and then only start to take it seriously – which is far too late. 

Luckily for online users, clever password protection sites have cropped up over the last years, allowing users to easily and securely save their information. With the rise of online engagement in the average person’s daily life, online security is crucial. Just think about online gaming, if you want to invest in a captivating game that says here you can play with 1 dollar deposit and you want to make that deposit securely, well then you’re going to want to somehow enter and store your information safely. This is where sites like Password Protection and 1Password come in, giving online users the opportunity to easily save their data, without the fear of it ever being hacked. 

The nicest thing about sites like 1Password for example is that they are double locked. You can either enter a password to find your other passwords or you have to enter a master key that is very long and almost impossible to crack.

Blockchain Technology

One of the most crucial bits of safety technology that has entered the digital stratosphere is blockchain technology. If you have ever been interested in playing an online game where you need to enter your sensitive financial details, especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies, then blockchain technology is your best friend. 

Understanding blockchain technology is relatively simple. How this piece of software works is that online data and information are stored in little nuggets, which are represented by the block. These blocks are then put together and joined through various strands, which are known as chains. If a block ever feels that it is being hacked or notices anything going on in which infiltration is likely, then it will alert the other blocks of information through the super quick strands, which is when the blocks seize up and are then completely impossible to penetrate. So, if you are a player and you’re trying to keep your information safe and secure, sites that are supported by blockchain are the way to go. 

Face Recognition

Another piece of tech that has truly paved the way regarding online safety is face recognition. When face recognition first came out, many people did not really understand how this piece of software would be used on a public scale. If you’ve ever seen any action movie where the lead character needs to break into a room, you may have noticed the face scan that is first used before access is given. Face recognition was always something that was only seen in movies. However, how did you just open your phone? Probably through face recognition, isn’t that right? 

How this piece of amazing software works is actually pretty unique. If you take mobile phones for example, the phone camera will scan your face and then memorize every single line. It will look at your eyes and at the position of your nose, the curve of your lip and even the height of your cheekbones. All this will be memorized and then when you try to log into your phone, the camera will first look through each of your features before ultimately unlocking. If you try to keep one eye closed or move your nose in a strange way whilst it is trying to decipher whether or not it is really you, you will notice that the phone will keep you locked out because the software is so detailed that everything has to be perfect. 

Should you be on a slightly older phone, you may not know face recognition but you will know touch recognition. This is when the mobile phone has a spot that saves your fingerprint and then the phone only opens when you show your fingerprint. 

The Future is Advanced

As you can see from the above, there are so many pieces of software that affect people’s daily lives. Just think about the face or touch recognition, something you probably use hundreds of times a day when you log into your phone. With the speed at which technology is advancing, it is hard to say just how futuristic the future looks. One thing is for sure though, technology does not seem to be showing any signs of slowing down, quite the contrary actually, it just seems to be speeding up.

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